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Uploading Forms for Team Members

The following article will provide instructions to uploading documents for any appropriate team members. Before uploading, you will need to either scan the document into your computer or take a photo of the document with your tablet or smartphone*. Please be certain the forms/documents are being uploaded in the correct profile.

To upload a document for an athlete, start by click Manage Teams on your home screen. Then select the Members icon next to the appropriate team or use the Search function to search for a name. Next follow the steps below to complete the upload process. 

Step 1: Find the correct athlete and select the three vertical dots in the far right column and, click the Athlete Profile icon.


Step 2: Click the Documents drop-down arrow. Then click the blue icon Manage Documents

Step 3: Click Upload Document to upload a form/document. To view a document, click on the pdf or image icon next to any listed document.


Step 4: Click Choose File to select your document from your computer.  (The document you select to upload must be in a .PDF, .JPG, .GIF, or .PNG format or it will not upload.)

**NOTE** Clicking Choose File on a mobile device or tablet will open up your device's camera, prompting you to either choose a photo from your library to upload or take a new picture to upload. 

Click Document Type, and select the name of the document type you are uploading from the drop down list. Also, you have the ability to add a comment to provide additional information to identify your document. When you are ready to upload your document click Upload.

Step 5: Once the document has been uploaded, you will be able to edit/download the document from that athlete’s profile and view it in the completion report.


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