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Critical Steps for Parents/Athletes Getting Started

Welcome to PRIVIT!

This article provides instructions to parents/guardians or athletes on completing PRIVIT. The forms can be completed on a mobile device, laptop, tablet, or any device connected to the internet.

If you need assistance with PRIVIT, please contact the Help Center at 844-234-4357.

Before completing the relevant information, we recommend having the following information available:

  • Family Medical History and Athlete's Medical History.

  • Athlete's Immunizations/Allergies/Medications Information.

  • Primary Health Insurance Information.

PRIVIT Instructions:

(Each component must be completed prior to the physical exam appointment.)

1. Go to the school/organization's PRIVIT website or go to and search for the school/organization.

2. From the results page, click on the name of the school/organization. There 

3. From the landing page, click Register. (If you already have registered an account, please click Login. Registration should only happen once per family.)

4. If your athlete is under the age of 18, fill out the registration page with a parent/guardian's information. This will be the information used when accessing your PRIVIT account in the future. Click Register.  (If you are completing PRIVIT for multiple children or you have already registered, do not register again and please refer to #6 below.)

5. After clicking 'Register' you will be taken to the HOME page. (If a Welcome Message appears, click Continue located towards the top of the message.)

6. On the Home page click the Add Member button.  (This will add your athlete to your account and complete the required forms.)

  • Enter the athlete's first name (and last name if different), date of birth, and gender.
  • Click Add Member.
  • Click on your athlete's name from the home page. (Regardless if the athlete has a "Pending" next to their name.)
  • If applicable, begin completing the Personal Details by clicking the Start/Update icon to the right of Personal Details.
  • Complete the Personal Details section to 100% and click Save and Exit.

IMPORTANT: By completing this section, the athlete's demographic information can be copied to pre-populate for other family members' by using the 'Copy Data' button. 

  • *Based on the school/organization's setup, when the Personal Details is 100% complete, you will be able to click Start on the next form. 
  • When your athlete's home page states "Submission Complete" in green, then your athlete should be good to go and you can log out. If your athlete's home page states "Submission Incomplete" in orange, I recommend hovering your mouse cursor over the submission incomplete to see what needs to be completed and then complete the forms in the pop up.

  • If and only if the school/organization has this setup, click Start to complete all sections of the e-PPE questionnaire. We recommend completing the questionnaire all together at once. Click the Save and Exit button (Located at the bottom of each page in the questionnaire) to allow you to finish at a later date if needed.

IMPORTANT: For the e-PPE Questionnaire to be 100% complete, answer all mandatory questions, marked with a red asterisk (*), and check the box at the bottom that states “I have thoroughly read all questions on this page and answered them to the best of my knowledge.” 

7. Join a Team. After completing the necessary forms, the athlete must join a team. To do this, click Update next to Joined Teams from the HOME page. Check the box next to all appropriate teams and click Done at the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT: Do not skip this step as it is critical for staff to review completion status, emergency contact information, and see your athlete on the team roster.

8. After you have completed the required forms and joined a team(s), you will need to print out or electronically sign the appropriate forms. To print or sign the required forms, select Sign to the right of Signed Documents or select Print Documents from your HOME page.

IMPORTANT: The organization/school determines which forms can be printed and/or require e-signatures.

If you need assistance with PRIVIT, please contact the Help Center at 844-234-4357.

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