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Update Profile Picture


Adding/Changing a Profile Picture

By adding your profile picture, your photo will appear on team rosters this will assist authorized coaches, athletic trainers, and administrators the ability to differentiate students with the same name and recognize new team members.

Step 1: At the home page of your profile, you should see your name in the upper right hand corner with a gear next to it. Click this and a drop-down menu will appear. Click Change Profile Picture.



Step 2: Click the Choose File, right below the Upload New Picture, to choose a picture from your desktop.


Step 3: Follow the step listed by clicking Next. After you upload the the picture the next step will prompt you to crop the picture to your liking and you can confirm that the picture is the one you want to use.


Step 4: Confirm the Picture by clicking Save. This will bring you back to the home screen where you can see your new profile picture. 


At any time you are able to update your photo from the HOME page under ‘Manage Your Account’ by clicking the Change Profile Picture button.

After you have uploaded your photo you will not be able to view it on the team list; however, your coaches and athletic trainers will be able to see your photo. It will appear on the coaches’ and athletic trainers’ ‘Team Members List’ page.



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