Adding Staff Access and Assigning Roles
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This article provides instructions for Administrators to give their staff access to the school/organization's PRIVIT website and assign roles within PRIVIT. If this is a newly created school/organization, the only staff that should be listed is initial Administrators provided during the implementation process. First we recommend having a list of the appropriate staff names and email addresses.
Add Staff Login Access
Step 1: From the HOME page, Click Manage Users.
Step 2: From the Manage Users page, click Add User.
Step 3: Enter an email address for the staff member and click Next. (Privit Profile™ will search to see if the user is already in the system.)
Step 4: If the staff member is not in the system, the fields on the Create New User page will need to completed. When providing the temporary passwords, we highly recommend giving the same password to all staff because when the staff member logs in, they are automatically prompted to change their password. When finished click Create User.
NOTE: If the staff member has already registered within PRIVIT, verify the email address and click the Add User icon.
Next, the staff member will receive an email stating an account was created for him/her within the school/organization's PRIVIT website. This email will provide the user with a link to the website and their temporary password. (If the staff member does not receive the email, please have them check their spam/junk folder or contact support at 844-234-4357.)
Repeat this process until all appropriate staff members have access.
Removing Staff Members
If there is turn over or mistake with staff, Administrators are able to remove a staff member. This will remove the staff member list and remove their access from any of the school/organization's teams.
- To remove a staff member's access to PRIVIT, click the Delete User or trash can icon in the row as the staff member.
- A confirmation screen will appear, click OK to remove the staff member.
To remove a team assignment from staff member, click the Plus button next to the staff member's name. Then click the Trash Can icon next to the team name. A confirmation screen will appear, click OK. This function will no longer allow that staff member access to that team.
Assigning Roles to Staff Members
The next step is to assign the staff roles within PRIVIT. From the Manage Users page, all appropriate staff should be listed. The steps below provide how to assign a role to a staff member.
- Click the check box in the same column for the appropriate role, and in the same row as the staff member's name.
- For the coach and medic roles, a confirmation page will appear. Confirm the information is correct and click OK.
- Next the list of teams will appear. Check boxes next to the appropriate teams to give that staff member access to a team. When finished, click Done at the bottom of the page.
After assigning a coach or medic role, Plus and Minus buttons will appear next to the staff member. To view the listed team assignments for a staff member, click the Plus, and click Minus to collapse the list.
PRIVIT Role Details
The information below provides details on each role within PRIVIT. There are four types of roles to keep in mind when assigning roles to staff members:
1. Administrator 3. Medic 5. Additional Staff
2. Coach 4. Coordinator
1. Administrator
As an Administrator for the school/organization, this staff member will have the ability to do the following from the home page:
Within Manage Teams:
- Create, edit, copy, and retire teams
- Search for an individual athlete
- View all athletes' emergency contact information
- Remove an athlete from a team or move an athlete to a different team
- Upload documents for an athlete
- If applicable, edit Physical Date and Physical Exp. Date for athletes
- If applicable, view athletes' Clearance Statuses
- Send Custom Notifications
Within Manage Users:
- Add staff members
- Assign roles to staff members
- Remove a staff member
Within Statistics:
- Review all teams associated with the organization
- Review which teams are retired
- Review how many members belong to a team
Within Manage Organization:
- Edit and update organization profile
2. Coach
When the Coach role is assigned to an staff member, they will only be able to see information relevant to their team. For any team with an assigned user with the Coach role, will be able to do the following within Manage Teams:
Within Members:
- View profile images and names on the team
- Ability to upload documents on behalf of an athlete
- View the Clearance Status of an athlete and if applicable, history notes associated with this status
- If applicable, view the Physical Date and Physical Exp. Date for team members
- Ability to see the emergency information for athlete
- Ability to remove an athlete from the team
- Send Custom Notifications
If applicable, Within e-PPE Completion:
- View profile images, name, and emails of athletes
- View the percent of completion for an athlete’s e-PPE questionnaire and Personal Details
- Automatically notify athletes who's e-PPE questionnaire and Personal Details are incomplete
Downloading Reports: Available types of reports are listed below.
- Completion Report: The Completion Report provides an overview of the document/form completion for each individual in one place.
- Team Roster: The Team Roster Report provides a downloadable roster of your team. The athlete’s name, clearance status and the cleared on date display.
- Batch Download: The Batch Download allows you to download a specific completed for all members on your team.
3. Medic
When the Medic role is assigned to a staff member, they will only be able to see information relevant to the team. Often times this role is assigned to team physicians and athletic trainers. For any team with an assigned user with the Medic role, will be able to do the following:
Within Manage Teams:
- View profile images and names of athletes
- Search for an individual athlete
- Upload documents for athletes
- If applicable, change/update the clearance statuses and review the history notes associated with this status
- Ability to download all athletes' emergency information
- Send Custom Notifications
- If applicable, edit the Physical Date and Physical Exp. Date for team members
- If applicable, download any Privit Profile standard forms
Downloading Reports: Available types of reports are listed below.
- Completion Report: The Completion Report provides an overview of the document/form completion for each individual in one place.
- Team Roster: The Team Roster Report provides a downloadable roster of your team. The athlete’s name, clearance status and the cleared on date display.
- Batch Download: The Batch Download allows you to download a specific completed for all members on your team.
- Incident Report: This report pulls information on submitted incidents through the Privit Sideline App within a certain date range. This report will only become available if an incident has been logged within the Privit Sideline App.
4. Coordinator
When the Coordinator role is assigned to an individual, this staff member is able to view all the teams. As a Coordinator, the staff member will be able to do the following for all teams:
- View profile images and names of all athletes
- Search for an athlete
- Upload documents for athletes
- If applicable, change/update the clearance statuses and review the history notes associated with this status
- Remove an athlete from a team and move an athlete to a different team
- Send Notifications
- If applicable, edit the Physical Date and Physical Exp. Date for team members
Downloading Reports: Available types of reports are listed below.
- Completion Report: The Completion Report provides an overview of the document/form completion for each individual in one place.
- Team Roster: The Team Roster Report provides a downloadable roster of your team. The athlete’s name, clearance status and the cleared on date display.
- Batch Download: The Batch Download allows you to download a specific completed for all members on your team.
5. Additional Staff Role
Allows a user to only view selected documents on selected teams.
The Additional Staff role provides an organization the flexibility to add a custom security role. This functionality will allow PRIVIT Admins to configure Additional Staff roles exactly to their organization's needs. Staff members assigned to the Additional Staff role will only be able to view selected documents for specific teams defined by the PRIVIT Admins.
The Additional Staff Role has the following securities:
- Can only see specified documents for teams they have been assigned to
- Can use the Batch Download Report for documents they have been assigned to
- Can run the Completion Report for teams they have been assigned to
- Can notify athletes, view clearance status, and physical dates for teams they have access to
- Cannot upload documents
- Cannot manage users or organization settings
- Does not have access to the PRIVIT Sideline App.