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Using the Privit Profile iOS (iPhone) App

PRIVIT has launched an iOS App (iPhone App) for parents/athletes to complete their profile and documents online for schools, colleges and organizations. You can download the app on your iPhone or iPad, or by clicking here.


Download the App

Step 1: Download the PRIVIT: Health Profiles app from the App Store and launch it after it installs.


Step 2: If you don't have an account with us, click Register. If you already have an account you can simply log in and skip Step 3. 


Step 3: Create an account under your name, you will be adding a student later, if applicable. Remember the email and password you set here, they will become your login information.  


NOTE: If you are a parent of an athlete under the age of 18, you will need to create the account in your own name prior to adding your athlete.

OPTIONAL: Personal Details and Health Information will appear on your home page and are available to complete for your own information, but not required


Adding a family member (if applicable)

Step 1: After you have made your profile it will take you to a screen where it will have your name and an add user button, click Add User.


Step 2: Complete the information for your user and click the Save icon in the bottom banner.(Enable Login is Optional, this can be changed later.)



Add profile to school, college or organization

Step 1: After adding your student, you will be prompted to add a group. Press Add Group and use the search function to find your school/college/organization and add them to that group. To add them, just select the correct group and hit add group again.


Step 2: This will prompt you to say who you would like to be added to the group. You should add both you and your student, if applicable. There will be a drop down under your name that will ask if you're a parent guardian or a student/athlete, make sure you put yourself as a Parent/Guardian


NOTE: Joining a school/college/organization will allow the appropriate staff members from that organization to view the information you provide.


Complete forms/documents for a specific school/college/organization

Step 1: Once all of those steps are complete you will be brought to your students profile page. This is where all the required forms are going to be. 


Step 2: Go through each section making sure each form is filled out to its entirety. Everything that is required will be marked with a red asterisk, if it doesn't have an an asterisk it is optional to fill out.


Step 3: Once the information within the form has been completed, and select the Save icon at the bottom.


Step 4: If an electronic signature is required, you will have the 'Sign' option when you save. If you don't have a signature saved, save the information in the form and skip to the apply your electronic signature to completed forms/documents section.

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Step 5: Once you have completed all the forms within a section, you will see the status change from "Incomplete" to "Complete" and that section is done.


Step 6: Once you have completed each section in its entirety, your orange Status Bar at the top of the sections will change to be green and say "Complete".  



Apply your electronic signature to completed forms/documents

Step 1: After completing the forms/documents, go to the athletes home page and scroll all the way down to the Forms tab. If anything needs signed it will say "Parent/Guardian and Athlete Signatures Required" and when you click on it, it will give you the option to sign it.


Step 2: If you do not have a signature saved, go to the Settings (through the 3 lines in the upper left-hand corner) and then in PRIVIT Account you will find "My Signature", there you can use your finger to create a signature and save it.

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Step 3: Once you have your signature saved, you can go back to the Forms section and go into the forms and sign them. 

Step 4: Once the forms have been signed you will see the status on the form change to "Complete".


Join a team(s)

Step 1: On the students home page, there will be a section called Teams, click that.


Step 2: This will take you to a page with all the  teams that school has to offer. Simply click on the team(s) your student wants to be apart of and you're done.



Upload documents

You may or may not be required to upload additional documentation to your profile. Check with your school, college, or organization to confirm what documentation is required.

Step 1: From the students home page, tap the Documents button.


Step 2: Tap the plus sign in the upper right hand side of the screen. This is the upload button on the app.


Step 3: Select the appropriate document type and tap OK.


Step 4: You may choose to take a picture by selecting Camera or select an existing picture by selecting Photo Library.


NOTE: After you click "OK" on the first uploaded document a pop up will come up asking if you want to "Add Page", this is for the documents that have multiple pages or sides that need to be uploaded. The process is the same when you're adding multiple pages as you're adding one page. 

Step 5: Uploaded documents will automatically be available to your school or organization once they are uploaded.


Troubleshooting access to the Privit Profile App

You might need to change your zone settings. By default the zone setting is Zone 1.

The following steps will allow you to change the zone setting.

Step 1: From the Privit Profile App login page, tap the Settings icon. 


Step 2: On the Settings screen, find the Cloud Section at the bottom of the screen.


Step 3: Select Zone 2 and then go back to the PRIVIT App.


Step 4: Login to your account.

To learn more about the Privit Profile iOS App, please click here


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