Search for an Athlete
The search function is located at the top of the Manage Teams page.
Step 1: Click Manage Teams from the home page.
Step 2: Type in one or multiple names to search for a specific athlete.
NOTE: The search results may vary depending on staff member's role. If you have the Administrator or Coordinator role, you have the ability to search for any athlete's profile, even if the athlete is not on a team.
Step 3: The results should display a list of athletes, alphabetically, by last name. The results can be sorted by using the sorting arrows at the top of the columns.
NOTE: Click the ellipses (the 3 vertical dots) in the right column of the search results to see a list of options for an athlete. The Athlete Profile icon allows a staff member to move an athlete to a different team. Click here to view the Move Team Member article.