Creating/Applying the Athlete E-Signature
PRIVIT supports the functionality for parents/guardians to allow an athlete's electronic signature with one login. The athlete e-signature can be created in the Account Settings, or create the e-signature when submitting the forms.
This article will provide instructions on creating the athlete e-signature when the forms are being submitted. For more information about creating a parent e-signature, please click on the Parent/Guardian e-Signature article.
NOTE: This functionality MUST be first approved by the school/organization and then enabled by PRIVIT's support team. The PRIVIT support team can be contacted at the phone number 844.234.4357.
Creating the Athlete's E-Signature
Step 1: After applying the parent/guardian e-signature, you will be on the Manage Documents page. From the Manage Documents page, click the blue letters Sign Document link under the athlete's name.
Step 2: A message will appear stating that the athlete's e-signature has not been created yet. Click the Create New e-Signature button.
Step 3: Create the electronic signature using the mouse or a finger if you are using a touch screen. Also the box needs to be checked confirming the signature is valid and the parent/guardian is consenting to use the signature. Click Save.
Step 4: The athlete's signature will display on the confirmation page. Click Done.
Applying the Athlete's E-Signature
Step 1: After clicking Done, you will be taken back to the Manage Documents page. The athlete's e-signature has been created and is now ready to apply. Click the Sign Document link under the athlete's name.
Step 2: The athlete's signature will display. Check the validation box. Click Sign Document.
Step 3: You will be taken back to the Manage Documents area. After creating the athlete's e-signature, the signature can be applied to any necessary forms by following steps 5 and 6 only.
Note: Another way to apply the athlete e-signature is to click the blue lettering "athlete click here to sign", below the form on the athlete's home page.