How do I print forms or documents?
All forms or documents for your athlete will be available to print in the Print Documents area. Before you can print your athlete's forms or documents, please be certain you the the required criteria set by the school or organization. Please note, each school or organization requirements for printing will be different.
- Your athlete joined a team.
- The Personal Details section is 100% complete
- The e-PPE questionnaire is 100% complete.
- All other forms are submitted with the correct e-signatures.
If any part of the Personal Details or e-PPE questionnaire is incomplete, the Print Documents button will not be available.
Also if you have not joined a team, click Update next to the Joined Teams section to assign yourself to a team, and be certain to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.
A link to install Adobe Acrobat Reader is available on the right side of the "Print Documents" page or you can download it by clicking this link:
Click the link and follow the installation instructions.