Privit Profile™ FAQs:
- ★ How do I get help?
- Where are my athlete’s forms?
- How do I apply the athlete e-signature?
- How do I find my high school / college / university / organization?
- How do I log out?
- How do I change the athlete's name on the profile?
- Why is my Clearance Status "Pending" or "Not Cleared"?
- How do I print forms or documents?
- How do I join a team?
- How do I upload or delete a document?
- Not Receiving PRIVIT Emails?
- How do I delete a added member from my account?
- How do I reset my password or not receiving Privit Profile™ emails?
- What Are e-signatures and are e-signatures legal?
- Can you define what the different organization roles can or cannot do in the system?
- How do I add a new staff members or authorized users?
- How do I reduce the size of my PDF file or convert my file to a PDF?
- How do I manage multiple family members involved at the same school/organization?
- Who will have access to my information?
- How do I change the language of my Privit Profile™ home page?
- How do I upload a profile picture?
- When I click the PDF icon to view and print my documents nothing happens or I get a blank page.
- My Athlete Has Changed Schools, How Do I Log Into the New School's Site?
- Is My Data Safe?