Help Center

How do I upload a profile picture?

To add or update a profile picture, click the name that is displayed in the top right corner. From the drop down, click on Change Profile Picture.

Step 1. Upload Picture

Click Browse to select a jpg, png, gif, or bmp format profile picture from your computer. After you have selected your photo, click Next.

Step 2. Crop Picture

If your image is too large, you are able to crop it by using your cursor to draw a box around the area you want to select and click Next. If you do not need to crop your photo, click Next.

Step 3. Confirm

Review your photo and if you are satisfied with your photo, click Save. If you need to crop the image differently or upload a different picture, click the button of the step you want to go back to or click Back.

For additional instructions on updating your profile picture, visit the Update Profile Picture section of the Help Center.

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