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Welcome PRIVIT Administrators

Welcome to PRIVIT!

Congratulations on being named the Administrator for PRIVIT! We are excited to be working with you to help improve the health and safety of athletes. 

PRIVIT provides a better way for collecting health history information from athletes. PRIVIT will allow parents/guardians to complete the pre-participation process based on nationally-endorsed standards. Regardless of where an athlete schedules their physical, they can bring the printed necessary forms that highlights health risk areas related to the athlete, providing the physician an opportunity to perform a more focused exam.

A summary follows of what to expect from PRIVIT, and what we plan to achieve as an Administrator.

Accessing PRIVIT

You should receive an email including the information needed for accessing the school/organization's PRIVIT website. Upon receipt of this email, click on the link provided, then enter the email address and the password specified in this email. An example of what this email looks like can be found here: Accessing PRIVIT

Also we recommend sending the school/organization's PRIVIT website to your IT department or to the person responsible for managing the school/organization's website updates. The PRIVIT website can replace the download to the paper-based physical forms, which will to direct parents/guardians to the school's/organization's PRIVIT website.

Getting Started

After logging in, you will be asked to change your password and agree to the terms of use. From your HOME page, you will be able to manage the school/organization's teams and staff.  

Orientation Packet

As a PRIVIT Administrator, we have multiple resources to help familiarize yourself with PRIVIT, and to assist educating other staff members. All resources can be accessed by clicking the different links below:

It’s an exciting time for sports industry as we continue to grow and adapt in a digital world. The world of sports is an exciting area in which to work, and we’ll continue to bring inspired people together, by ensuring PRIVIT is the cutting edge solution to best serve your needs.

We appreciate your support and leadership at your school/organization as we work together to improve the health and safety of athletes. We look forward to working with you and further developing our partnership.


The PRIVIT Staff

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