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PRIVIT Administrator Checklist

Congratulations on being named the Administrator for PRIVIT

As the primary contact person for the school/organization's process with PRIVIT, we have developed the PRIVIT Administrator Checklist to help manage the tasks within PRIVIT to prepare the school/organization to use PRIVIT.


To find the school/organization's custom PRIVIT website, please go to and search for the school/organization. From the results page, click the desired link. On the school/organization's landing page, click Login. If the password is unknown, use the forgot password feature to reset your password.

 Update your website with PRIVIT link

 Remove outdated forms from your organization's/school's website

 Submit your request for any custom forms needed for your school. Be sure to attach the form in PDF format and include the name of your school and the name of the document.

 Confirm organization/school settings and logo

 Create List of Teams

 Notify Parents and Athletes

 Add Staff (Athletic Trainers and Coaches)

 Notify Athletic Trainers/Medics

 Send Information to Coaches

 Prepare for Mass Physical, if applicable

If you need to schedule a PRIVIT Training Session, please contact your Account Manager or the PRIVIT Help Center at 844-234-4357. 


Still need help? Submit a request.
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